Gotta go ship a bunch of Maddow shirts this morning! If I reprinted those, would you order one? What if I reprinted them on a more shapely shirt-type-thing?
WREN: How is Mister Potter?
SAM: Eir name is Palmer - and I don’t know, I wasn’t with em.
WREN: That’s a twist. Where were you?
SAM: For your information, I was at the anime club.
WREN: What? Why?
SAM: I thought we went over it.
WREN: Yeah, but I thought you GOT over it.
SAM: I’m just trying to meet people. It’s not easy.
WREN: Sure, but I would hope you’d meet... better people.
SAM: Wren, just because they’re a little geeky...
WREN: Uh, excuse me. I live in a hot air balloon of nerd overlooking geek valley. Geeky isn’t what bothers me.
I would order one, given that I now have a non-zero total of disposable income!
Geek Valley? I think I live there, in Nerdville, a suburb of Dorkopolis.
I would very likely order one, and I would prefer a more shapely shirt-type-thing, since you ask.
Is Wren reading Batwoman?
Oooh, good spot, Corbiu. Missed that, myself.