So a few awesome things happened yesterday. Bitch Magazine mentioned Palmer in their post on genderqueer comics characters, and The Collection, which includes a story by me, was nominated for a Lambda Literary award! If you haven’t read it yet, you can buy The Collection (and other excellent books) in the Topside Press store, or ask your local librarian about obtaining a copy. You can also buy one from me on April 27th if you’re at the Pioneer Valley Zine Fest in Amherst, MA!
And to you all – thanks for reading! As always, you can get updates when there’s a new comic by following me on twitter or liking Riot Nrrd on facebook.
The Boy in Pink Earmuffs
The Center for Otherworld Science
Dinosaur Comics
Dumbing of Age
Eve's Apple
Girls With Slingshots
Hark! A Vagrant
Khaos Komix
Manic Pixie Nightmare Girls
Meaty Yogurt
Minimum Secuirty
Minor Acts of Heroism
O Human Star
Octopus Pie
The Princess
Questionable Content
Rooster Tails
Sassyfrass Circus
YU+ME: dream
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In high school, I took a creative writing class. Had the best idea for a fantasy story, one that spawned a whole slew of related world stories in coming years. My teacher hated fantasy and nearly refused to grade my paper, offering it instead to any classmate who liked fantasy. In the end, though, she graded it herself – but not before begging me to change it completely and set it in a foreign country of Earth. Apparently she would be OK about reading a story set in Mesopotamia but not a made up world where they had strange names but could be a place on Earth.
Glad to see the comic updating again!!!! I squealed when I saw there was a new page!
Aww, poor Sam.