I’m adding two comics to the sidebar list, Octopus Pie and Darwin Carmichael is Going to Hell, because I totally devoured their archives recently om nom nom.
NHI: Well, I only legit failed it once. The second time was a technicality because I was out of school for a while for health reasons and decided I’d rather start again than try to make it all up in two weeks.
NHI: Sandra’s cool though, she told me that if I pass this time, she still wants me back because I’m one of the few who knows what they’re talking about.
WREN: Sandra?
NHI: Yeah. Professor Burns?
WREN: Oh. I just… I didn’t know her first name.
NHI: Advice, freshwoman: if you learn like I do, seek out professors here that let you call them by their first name. They’re the commie academic types that Rush Limbaugh warned you about.
WREN: Heh, yeah, for me a warning from Rush Limbaugh is like a five star review.
NHI: Then darling, consider me a fuckin’ Nobel laureate.
Cash…cab…? *world shatters*
Also, why on earth did you have to make such a fantastic comic?? You just HAD to make a nerdy feminist comic I could relate to that is making me laugh loud enough to wake up my roommate, and I had to start reading it at 1am. Gorramit. You suck. By which I mean you are kind of my hero now.
Your hovertext is cut off because you have quotation marks there that aren’t escaped. You need to replace them with “"”.
Wren is blushing! Too cute!
oops… thanks!
Cash Cab is FAKE??! :O
Cash…cab…? *world shatters*
Also, why on earth did you have to make such a fantastic comic?? You just HAD to make a nerdy feminist comic I could relate to that is making me laugh loud enough to wake up my roommate, and I had to start reading it at 1am. Gorramit. You suck. By which I mean you are kind of my hero now.