Sam stand beside a girl with dark braided hair in their self-defense class. The girl has her arms crossed and is rolling her eyes.
TEACHER (off-panel): Ok girls, today we’re going to practice throws. Now, I know some of you aren’t quite as, uh, fit, as others, but don’t be intimidated.
SAM: Oh, was he SERIOUSLY looking at me when he said “fit�
GIRL: You don’t have to get all offended, I’m sure he’s just trying to be helpful.
SAM: Helpful? How?
GIRL: It doesn’t hurt to care about your health.
SAM: What does he know about my health? What to YOU know about it? I’m a vegetarian. I rode my bike four miles to this class!
GIRL: You know what I mean.
The teacher bends behind Sam with one arm around her, as if he’s grabbing her. She hold his arm, preparing to throw him to the ground.
TEACHER: Ok, Samantha, just use your hips. Heh, you’ve got plenty to work (Sam throws the teacher much higher than he expects, he flies through the air) wiuuhhauOOF.
The girl is looking down at the unseen teacher. Sam walks out of the scene.
SAM: I apologize for the inevitable unsightly bruise… and also, I quit.
TEACHER: Uugh...
Love this so much
I adore you—in a non-creepy, non-stalkerish way. Promise.
But where the heck were you when I was in high school?
HA! EXCELLENT! Way to show everyone Samantha!
Also, in the second sentence of the second panel Sam says “what to YOU know about it”….should be do, not to….just sayin. 😉
So much love for this.
Weight != health
Awesome! I hardly ever see this message anywhere, so it’s very exciting. Thank you!
I want to be Sam when I grow up.
Oh dear, I’ve actually done this in my defense class. Sometimes being bottom-heavy can be ridiculously useful.
Reminds me of the P.E Teacher in High School telling me I was built for shotput.