WREN: But, but you’re the only independent bookstore in town! You’re the only woman-friendly place that sells comics for, like, fifty miles! And Bluestockings is the only queer space I’ve ever had!
EVE: I know, Wren. And that’s all important to me, too. That’s why I opened this place.
Eve slouches over the counter.
EVE: But as it turns out, that’s not so important to most people, who just want to buy cheap books and can go out to some big chain.
EVE: My wife Sophie just lost her job. We can’t afford to support a struggling business anymore. It breaks my heart.
Wren raises one finger defiantly in the air.
WREN: Eve, you’ve done too much for me. I promise, I won’t let this happen!
EVE: I appreciate it, kiddo, but it’s not really up to you.
Sam, Candice and Maria now surround Wren. A superheroic orange light shines from behind them.
WREN: It’s up to US!
Super Queers to the rescue!!