Big, big thank you to Garland Grey for the plug for Riot Nrrd over at Tiger Beatdown. Read the whole post: ‘CAUSE I’M NERDCORE LIKE THAT: Toward a Subversive Geek Identity.
Welcome new readers! I am so happy you like my little slice of internet as much as I do.
Uh! You may want to follow me on twitter if you care to know when an update’s going to be late or if/when I finally have things to sell?
Thanks again for reading!
The Boy in Pink Earmuffs
The Center for Otherworld Science
Dinosaur Comics
Dumbing of Age
Eve's Apple
Girls With Slingshots
Hark! A Vagrant
Khaos Komix
Manic Pixie Nightmare Girls
Meaty Yogurt
Minimum Secuirty
Minor Acts of Heroism
O Human Star
Octopus Pie
The Princess
Questionable Content
Rooster Tails
Sassyfrass Circus
YU+ME: dream
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I read through your archives and loved every comic but I gotta say the one about putting domestic abuse cards in copies of Twilight I have hard love for and I tweeted and linked it all over the place and I am genuinely thinking about doing that!
You’re awesome!
Beth’s comment could’ve been written by me. 🙂
Loving the comic, will be waiting for the next installment.
Great comics! I’ll be looking forward to the next installments. The first one about Joss as a puppy = brilliant, and I’m thinking of doing that with the Twilight books too now.
got here from Tiger Beatdown! Definitely my new favorite webcomic, and that is saying something.
keep up the fantastic work! xD
As a webcartoonist, person on the autism spectrum, and unrepentant nerd, I thank you profusely for doing this webcomic and will be following it every Tuesday and Thursday! Great, funny, and poignant work!
Linked here from Tiger Beatdown. Love your comic, especially Joss puppy. I’m adding you to my bookmarks and am looking forward to reading more!
As a redhaired wheelchair user (No freckles though) I am in love with this comic.A ctually I think I would’ve loved it anyway. Passing this along!
This comic is unbelievably awesome. I’m so glad I got linked here! Thanks so much for doing this.
Another Tiger Beatdown referee (not in the sports sense) here! Very excited about subscribing.
Great comic! Here from Tiger Beatdown, thought I’d read one and move on, and found myself hooked on the characters’ stories. Now I’m very much hoping for more Wren/Candice, and more Maria please!
Finished reading through the archives. More please.
Awesome comic! I’ll be reading it from now on, and passing it on to others too! And Kudos on the Twilight.
Having just caught up (yes, yet another Tiger Beatdown referee) I must say that while I thoroughly appreciate the points you are making, sometimes I read these and my brain just went “soapboxsoapboxsoapbox!”
But then I normally read comics for humor, not intellectual content. You seem to be trending toward more effective punch lines and I love your characters, so I’ll just keep following! Keep up the good work!
Also here from Tiger Beatdown. Woohoo! This is great!
Another webcartoonist here, female geek, and a Tiger Beatdown reader, too! Love your comic to pieces. <3
Gen, sometimes, you have to soapbox to make your point, especially to geeks.
I do hope the Joss Whedon puppy continues to make guest appearances. 🙂
I’m double re-directed from Tiger Beatdown (which I also just subscribed to), and I just gotta say that this webcomic is super awesome. I can’t wait to see some of the comic-in-a-comic stuff when they finally start publishing!
Yeah, I’m totally a history Geek too. Historic garb would trump Rocky Horror every time… but Cthulhu trumps everything.