Thanks for your patience, everyone. If you follow me on twitter, you’ll know I was at Hampshire College’s CLPP Reproductive Justice Conference this weekend. I was going to work on the comic when I got back, but I ended up babysitting for some hours yesterday, and I am now back to the school grindstone. Tomorrow, I am pleased and unnerved to tell you, internet, I have a real big grown-up-person job interview. I got a haircut from someone besides myself and I’m gonna have to iron a shirt! Luckily a gay man of the cloth showed me how to iron a dress shirt correctly this summer (but I’ll probably forget anyway).
I don’t know when I’ll actually get to a real continuity comic this week, but I have a long weekend coming up, so perhaps I’ll either make two updates, or create some of that bonus material I’m always talking about (to my partner).
Oh, and if you’re confused on the joke I’m going for with this puppyverse comic, I was referencing Buffy’s relaunch. If you like LOST and goofy internet comics, you should look around Kate Beaton and Nedroid‘s twitter stuffs. Mmm.